In case you have missed (too bad 'cause there was some magnificient shots in there!) the second day of demo of the
rendezvousing with the
ISS, you can head for
Space-Multimedia (once again a space geek life-saver!) where the
complete coverage, recorded of
NASA TV, is available. If everything goes as planned, the ATV should dock to the station this coming Thursday ... another exciting space event to watch :-) Also, the
ATV blog folks have made available
a video showing some of yesterday events, built from the telemetry received during the mission. It's worth a look, albeit a bit boring I must said ...
On the
Orbiter's addon front, I'm sort of back on the drawing block at this time. About a week ago, we decided to once again
downgrade our first addon, in order to reduce the scope of it and make our lives a
bit easier and release
something sooner. This doesn't mean that we are moving aways from our high realism/details goals. Quit the contrary actually, since we are only reducing the
addon scope. I know this must sounds a bit cryptic, but things should start to get clearer as we get moving along.
: )
My name is Leo and I’m a summer intern here at BCIT(British Columbia
Institute of Technology) in Vancouver, Canada.
We recently had Tom Jones, Harrison Schmitt and Robert Richards speak
at our new Aerospace Campus.
I thought the webcast from the event may be interesting to you and your
You are welcome to link from your blog or website
Best regards,
Leonid Dushyn
Mail: Idushin@my.bcit.ca
: )
Updated URL for The Meridiani Journal blog
Please just note my slightly modified blog URL - web.me.com/meridianijournal instead of web.mac.com/meridianijournal; the change is because of Apple changing their hosting service from .Mac to MobileMe. The "mac" address still works, but I noticed it somehow messes up the comments function of the blog. The new "me" address is the one that should actually be used now though anyway.
Didn't want to do this as a comment, but didn't see an e-mail for you.
Any updates forthcoming? It's been nearly a year... :-/
Hi Mr. DarthVader !
I was glad to find your astronomy site http://djvader.blogspot.com/ as I was wandering through the blogosphere of Astronomy. Since I also share the astronomy field (I am an amateur astronomer from Sri Lanka), I could literally obtain a great knowledge from your pages. I appreciate the time and efforts that you have taken to build up the blog into such a higher standard.
I am happy to inform you that I also maintain an astronomy blog, especially dedicated to IYA 2009 at http://iya2009sl.blogspot.com. I update the periodic IYA 2009 and astronomy happenings in Sri Lanka in addition to providing visitors a worldwide scope on IYA 2009 and Astronomy news.
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Meantime I would be obliged if you could put a link from your blog to my blog in return. This will also let me to have more audience at the same time.
As I mentioned above my link is http://iya2009sl.blogspot.com and I'm waiting for your reply to be informed about the issue.
Thank you very much for your time amidst busy schedules.
I take this opportunity to wish you all the best for your career and future endeavors!
Yours sincerely,
J D Prasanna Deshapriya
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喔!最悲慘的事並非夭折早逝,而是當我活到七十五歲,卻發現自己從未真正活過。 ..................................................
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