Hello! Yep I'm still there ... but now, it's likely the readers (if there was any) that are gone ... :-) Anyhow, I'm back now. Well, in true it's not as if I had gone anywhere really, but I was sort of away from
Orbiter and our dear project(s) for quite a bit of time, consumed by various mind eating hobbies, such as
flying virtual planes and such ... Sadly catching-up with the (wasted?) lost months is going to be a bit difficult, but not impossible ... Well I guess we'll see.
Castorp was hinting the other day at the fact that what we have been working on was starting to look (smell/taste) like
vapourware ... An
harsh reality check which was very helpful in helping me to get back on track since I had no desire to go down in
history as yet another
"Duke Nukem Forever" ...